Searching for Steelhead takes you through the ins and outs of swinging flies for steelhead. The information is detailed and basic enough that it can be applied by those new to steelhead fishing, but also contains many tips and tricks that the avid angler will appreciate. Equipment, positioning, reading the water, and much more are covered. Kevin Feenstra also takes you through several of his favorite fly patterns, explaining how to tie and why they work. Featured Guest: Jeff Hubbard.
This film was filmed and edited by Erik Rambo, of Snap T Productions.
Belongs in every Steelheaders Library
If you are beginner at swinging flies or an experienced fly fisher at swinging flies for Steelhead this DVD belongs in your Library. This video teaches you all you need to know to be successful in hooking steelhead on the swing. His flies are easy to tie and are proven to hook steelhead all over the great lakes system.
A must own
An in depth, informative and fun DVD for anyone to enjoy. Whether it be a seasoned angler, or someone just starting out in the sport. Feenstra's DVD offers a practical, and realistic approach to Great Lakes steel-heading, offers some beautiful fly recipes and a great slide show too! Well worth adding to the collection, especially being a steelheader in the mid-west.
Mini-guide trip
This video is definately worth the investment. Visually, the camerawork captures good fishing and landing. The narration is a VERY big part of this DVDs value benefit. So much so that it reminded me of being on a guided trip, and hearing those littletips/commentary over your shoulder as you fish throughout the day. But at the end, you realize that your steelhead IQ? --just took a big leap forward. The fly patterns demonstrated are great; disproving that you must be a zen master at the vice with exotic, expensive, biologically-matching materials. NOT SO! Kevin puts to rest some misconceptions that could be barriers to someone wanting to try swinging flies. Even after quite a few years of swinging, I still got good content from it. Where fish hold at what times of year is extremetly important to the angler who is new to a river and stares at it saying "ok, NOW what do I do?" For someone dabbling in swinging techniques, or especially the beginner, it is a very good way to learn the where, when, and "with what" to help you get into fish.